Sl. No. | Date | Event | Remarks |
1 | 3rd June 2019 | Essay writing and poster making | Essay writing and poster making competitions held for different age groups to propose ways and means of preserving the environment. |
2 | 4th June 2019 | Distribution of saplings | Students of The High Range School were given saplings to be taken home and planted. |
3 | 5th June 2019 | Environment day celebrations | Scouts planted saplings at Rajamalai and also helped cleaning of the area, which is also a tourist destination. |
4 | 2nd September 2019 | Swachh Bharat | Cleanliness Drive: In and around the campus by the senior students of Class VI to XII. |
5 | 3rd September 2019 | Community outreach | Scouts of The High Range School along with their Scout Master went to the nearby areas surrounding the school, cleaning the area and spreading the awareness about the need for a clean environment. Also had an interaction with Mr. Mugesh Gupta, Human Rights Education Director, Gujarat. |
6 | 4th September 2019 | Special Assembly in School | Session by Mrs.Clara Sumam, on Personal Hygiene, Hand wash and cleanliness. |
7 | 20th September 2019 | Swachhata hi seva Tata Volunteering Week | Cleaning the campus –making it a plastic free zone |
8 | 21st September 2019 | Principals‘ meeting at The High Range School as lead collaborator of Hub of learning | Resolved to create plastic free campuses and spread awareness about single use plastics. |
A campaign to stop the use of plastics, by focusing on the use of paper bags, cloth bags, and waste baskets made of paper.
Reuse of materials like plastics and CD’s by creating king size works of installation art instead of polluting the environment by throwing it around.
Students paint on the walls at strategic points, slogans and pictures, binging out the need to preserve environment for the present and for the future.
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