asset corner

  • Hats off to Sudarsan.S, the ASSET Ambassador of our school made us proud by winning the first prize in the ASSET Ad making competition 2010 which was open to all the ASSET schools across India. The advertisement was beautifully made with the use of video, good punch lines and properly edited. The entire video was kept short without missing the essence of the Ad.
  • asset corner

  • ASSET week celebration marked the beginning of various activities to prepare the children for the upcoming ASSET tests. It went on from 29th November to 3rd December. The Monday morning assembly on 29th November began with a Power Point on an introduction to ASSET and various activities the school would be organizing as part of the celebration. The school campus and classrooms were buzzing with various ASSET activities.
  • The ASSET posters were put up in the school. The flyers were distributed to the students and the ASSET ambassadors of the school explained to all the classes on how to prepare for the test. It was emphasized to take the tests as a means of self assessment, to know their weak and strong areas and not a competition. An ASSET booklet design competition was organized for classes 7 to 9. The children came forth with very creative ideas and designs.
  • For the middle school students a Question making competition was organized by science and social science departments. The students thoroughly enjoyed the Question making competition and asked for more such activities in the following week at school. The best questions were put up in the upcoming monthly tests with the name of the students who prepared those questions. Some of the questions were truly thought provoking. The feedback the children gave was that it was very challenging. One of the student of class VI said, “We never read behind the lines but to be able to make the best question in the class we had to read the lesson thoroughly. This is the best way to revise our lessons also.”
  • Math’s Department conducted the Concept time for primary school children. It was a hands on experience for children exploring shapes, angles, fractions, etc. with fun filled activities. They learnt shapes by hat designing competition. The students with the help of their parents, made different varieties of food items, and brought it to school. During the math’s class the students divided the food items brought by them to display fractions like ½, 1/3, ¼ and so on. All the teachers and the students of the various classes were invited to see the exhibits and the children took great pride in explaining the fractions that were displayed. It was indeed “Learning by Doing”.
  • The English Department organised the Junior Theatre Festival. The characters ranging from detective Holmes to a head master and a bored student enthralled the audience with their acting skills. “The Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond”, The Time Wizard” and “Hard times” were the plays that were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.
  • The school ASSET committees comprising of various ASSET representatives from each class organized quizzes to prepare their classmates. The subject teachers discussed in detail the previous year’s booklet with the students and clarified all their doubts. Various group activities like class quizzes, group discussions and peer teaching was organized by the teachers, especially in senior classes to help children understand concepts and learn to frame questions.
  • Apart from this we conducted an open forum on 1st December, for the classes VI to X, on the topic “Does learning with understanding prepare students for the 21st century or rote learning is better”. The Open Forum began with the screening of Misconception C.D. The students openly shared the reason behind mugging up, confessed to examination centered learning where the sole aim is to score maximum marks by rewriting the text on to the answer sheet without understanding. There were mixed opinions but by the end of the session most of the students agreed with the need to understand the concepts and their application in this fast changing world.
  • Thus ASSET week was filled with various activities where children learnt, explored and enjoyed their textbooks with an aim to learn with true understanding and face their ASSET tests with the ease. The celebration which lasted five days did not finish with the tests but the children and the teachers resolved to make analytical thinking and application based learning a part of the daily life at school.
  • asset week celebration

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